Saturday, February 25, 2012

Holy crap, I have a blog

Oh hey, I forgot I had a blog.
I'm in Washington, the blue machine is operational and has new tires, and I hate the suburbs.
Maybe I'll post some more things when I have interesting things to post.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Installed Kubota Winch. Installed Datsun Alternator. Burned My Hand.

I got a new one ton ATV winch from Harbor Freight for super cheap, and it's going on the tractor as a multi-purpose pulling out stuck stuff tool.  It's not real often that the tractor gets stuck anywhere, but it's happened once or twice and only in the most inconvenient of places so a winch will be worthwhile, I think.  I figure it'll mostly get used for ripping stuff out of the ground and dragging things around though, considering the little orange monster does a fair bit of that anyways, this'll just give me another means to that end.
Mockup of where stuff is gonna go, more or less.
More stuff after jump break

Saturday, July 30, 2011

I found a pseudoscorpion.

Ray Harryhausen giant clawed land crab beast.
This monster was in my garage stalking a scrap of newspaper.  I had no idea what it was so I trapped it, took pictures, and ran to wikipedia.  Turns out it's a pseudoscorpion, and pseudoscorpions live in Oregon, just people don't usually see them.

Not really giant at all.  At least it's not a tick.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Weird Pointy Spider

I've never seen a spider like this here before, this year has been sort of an odd one for new and different creepy crawlies.  There is also an influx of snails that wasn't around the PNW when I was a kid.

 Bigger scarier spider pictures for the non arachnophobic after the jump

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Do you want egg roll?

Delicious egg rolls & easy sweet & sour sauce sauce.

Recipe and BONUS RECIPE for fried-pizza-things after the jump break.

"Temporary" Fixes & Tractors.

Don't put fencing flat on the ground and leave it there.
Not in the Willamette valley.

I don't care if it's to keep the dogs from digging in the septic tank, and it'll only be there for a couple days, cause a couple months later it's gonna be full of grass and utterly immovable.  That's where tractors come in.  Most people don't have a tractor, these people are fools.  Tractors are like a diesel powered swiss army knife.... now if only I had a backhoe attachment......

Mighty steed of thunder.
This used to be straight.  It's lucky it's in one piece.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Craigslist Ideas, Volume 1

If I had money, I would do stupid things.  Mostly involving Craigslist.

For instance, for a few grand I could buy this and paint it like Optimus Prime.