Sunday, July 24, 2011

Do you want egg roll?

Delicious egg rolls & easy sweet & sour sauce sauce.

Recipe and BONUS RECIPE for fried-pizza-things after the jump break.

 Egg rolls:
1 cup chopped cabbage
8 oz chicken, matchstick cut and pan fried
1/2 cup straw mushrooms
1/2 cup bean sprouts
splash of soy sauce
splash of dollar store hot sauce
splash black rice vinegar (use any vinegar, really, except balsamic)
3 cloves fresh garlic, minced
similar amount of fresh ginger, minced or grated

package of egg roll wrappers
oil for frying and frying vessel of choice.  I use a wok of cheap vegetable oil.

Mix together all the egg roll ingredients and wrap 'em up in the wrappers.  Deep fry them in oil until they look delicious, this is all that's needed because the meat is precooked.  I got a dozen egg rolls out of this recipe and plan to freeze a number of them for later oven-reheating.

1/2 cup pineapple juice
1 tablespoon plum sauce
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon tapioca starch

Mix together all the sauce ingredients and microwave it on high for 30 seconds, mix it again.  It won't be neon orange like at your local Chinese joint, but it tastes good.

an egg roll and a bonus pizza roll plus some sweet & sour sauce

Whenever I make any sort of roll or dumpling, I generally end up with a few more wrappers than I have filling which generally leads to "WHAT DO I HAVE IN MY FRIDGE THAT I CAN MAKE A POTSTICKER OUT OF?"  Today's adventure is pizza based:

half inch off end of block of tillamook white cheddar cheese
one slice pre-sliced swiss cheese
half a can of tomato paste (proper tomato sauce would add too much liquid)
inch and a half tall stack of pepperoni
pinch of oregano
a leftover barbecued onion and part of a roasted green pepper
last four egg roll wrappers

I diced up all the everything and mixed it up in a bowl with the tomato paste, fried 'em the same as the egg rolls, and got something not entirely unlike insert name of grocery store pizza pouch product here.

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